Changing of the Guard

After eight years under Gary Sherman, founder of the QGIS project, Locate Press today returns to its founder, Tyler Mitchell.
Tyler has big plans so keep your eye on our website as things develop. You can contact him at [email protected].
Remember, our books are authored by leading experts in the field of open source GIS.
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New Book: Introduction to QGIS
Get started with QGIS with this introduction covering everything needed to get you going. This entry-level tutorial, based on the 3.16 LTR version, introduces you to major concepts and techniques to get you started with viewing data, analysis, and creating maps and reports.
With this book you’ll learn about:
- The QGIS interface
- Creating, editing, and analyzing vector data
- Working with raster (image) dataUsing plugins
- The QGIS Processing Toolbox
- Georeferencing
- Creating map and reports
- Resources for further help and study
The book includes a link to all the data you’ll need to follow along with each chapter.
Learn more at
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QGIS Birthday Sale!
Nineteen years ago this week, the first lines of QGIS code were written. The project has come a long way through the efforts of a vast cadre of contributors.
To celebrate the last year of QGIS as a teenager, we’ve discounted all ebooks by 40% for at least a week; maybe longer. [Sale ended June 24th]
Get your books now before the sale ends by using the coupon code qgis-birthday at