Joining as a QGIS Sustaining Member

Locate Press has helped support the QGIS project, in spirit, for many years with most of our book titles dedicated to learning it. Our former publisher, Gary Sherman, started QGIS twenty years ago, and several of our authors serve as trainers or board members for different QGIS chapters.

Today we take one step further with direct financial support of QGIS as a Sustaining Member (small level).

Rather than just take donations and gives commercial benefits, the project has an interesting goal of recurring supporters through this membership program to help create ongoing contributions – it’s a good idea and thinking outside of the box is needed for long term sustainability.

If you are using QGIS in your work or business, please also become a member (see this link) and join us in furthering the cause of equal access to GIS technology by using open source development. Can’t afford a membership? An annual donation of any amount is also available. Below, I’ve copied some of the description of how the funds will be used.

From sustaining membership page:

“With your financial contributions we are able to:

  • keep the QGIS.ORG IT infrastructure up and running. This includes aspects, such as
    • the QGIS.ORG website
    • our issue (bug and feature reporting) system
    • the continuous integration system that tests each change or pull request against a series of automated unit tests
    • our documentation and API documentation system
  • packaging QGIS for the various operating systems
  • fixing bugs and other issues
  • managing pull requests and do code reviewing
  • mentoring new contributors
  • translating QGIS
  • running our QGIS grant system that allows contributors to work on behind the scenes improvements to the QGIS code base, our infrastructure, documentation or other aspects of our community. Work that otherwise would be hard to do by volunteers only or hard to sell to customers of QGIS development companies
  • organize and support our contributor meetings and QGIS conferences

QGIS.ORG wants to be transparent with the funds we receive and how we spend them. Please have a look at the financial reports and budgets in our Finance section.”

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